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D79 |
Neo-Grünfeld Defense: Ultra-delayed Exchange Variation |
Vasily Smyslov vs Robert James Fischer, 1970 |
0-1, 46 moves |
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[Event "Herceg Novi blitz"] [Site "Herceg Novi blitz"] [Date "1970.04.08"] [EventDate "?"] [Round "3.1"] [Result "0-1"] [White "Vasily Smyslov"] [Black "Robert James Fischer"] [ECO "D79"] [WhiteElo "?"] [BlackElo "?"] [PlyCount "92"] 1. c4 {Notes by Bobby Fischer} g6 2. g3 Bg7 3. Bg2 Nf6 4. Nf3 O-O 5. O-O c6 6. d4 d5 7. cxd5 cxd5 8. Nc3 {Theory says that Black equalizes easily against this move. The sharper 8 Ne5 is answered satisfactorily by 8...Bf5 as in the Botvinnik-Smyslov match 1957, and also in a later game Benko-Fischer.} Ne4 9. Qb3 Nc6 {!} 10. Be3 {Of course Black's d-Pawn was taboo.} Na5 11. Qd1 {? Allows a very bad Pawn formation. Correct was 11 Qb4.} Nxc3 12. bxc3 b6 13. Ne5 Ba6 {Black has ideal play against White's backward c-Pawn.} 14. Re1 Rc8 15. Bd2 e6 16. e4 Bb7 {! Of course trading white squared Bishops highlights White weaknesses on the white squares.} 17. exd5 Bxd5 18. Bxd5 Qxd5 19. Qe2 Rfd8 {19...Nc4! was simpler.} 20. Ng4 {!?} Nc4 {? 20...h5 21 Ne3 Qd7, with a clear advantage.} 21. Bh6 {! Suddenly White has counterplay; 21...Bxh6 is impossible because of 22 Nf6+.} f5 22. Bxg7 Kxg7 23. Ne3 Nxe3 24. Qxe3 Rc6 25. Rac1 Rdc8 26. c4 {? Better was Qd2.} Rxc4 27. Rxc4 Rxc4 28. Qxe6 Qxe6 29. Rxe6 Kf7 {!} 30. Re3 {?? 30 d5 gave real chances for a draw, the rest is easy.} Rxd4 31. Ra3 a5 32. Rc3 Ke6 33. Kg2 Kd6 34. h4 Ra4 35. Rc2 b5 36. Kf3 b4 37. Ke3 Kd5 38. f3 Ra3+ 39. Kf4 a4 40. g4 fxg4 41. fxg4 b3 42. axb3 axb3 43. Rc7 Ra4+ 44. Kg5 Rb4 45. Rc1 Kd4 46. Kh6 Rb7 {Because Black by approaching with his king can win White's Rook for the b-Pawn without losing his own h-Pawn.} 0-1 |
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